OMT & Mouth Breathing

Proper tongue posture supports a healthy airway by promoting nasal breathing. Nasal breathing is important and beneficial for our overall health in several ways. It warms, moistens, and filters the air we breathe and allows for a more restorative, restful sleep.

Nitric oxide is produced in the sinuses and is important for our cardiovascular system. It increases physical endurance and stamina, helps to carry, and provide 18% more oxygen to our brain and muscles, it balances pH in the blood, decreases cortisol levels and increases melatonin. Nasal breathing allows you to breathe through your diaphragm which activates the “rest and digest” response in our bodies. Rest, digest, and repair during sleep is vitally important for our overall health. Kids produce the growth hormone when they are in the deep rem sleep and its essential for proper growth.

A tongue tie is a term used to describe a restriction of the lingual frenum. A lingual frenum is the band of tissue under the tongue that holds the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Depending on where the frenum attaches to the tongue, it may cause mild to severe restriction to the mobility and function of the tongue.

The tongue is a dominating muscle for the body regarding posture, airway, and facial development. It is made up of eight different muscles and attaches to key areas in the head and neck region that can be affected negatively. The tongue muscles serve to elevate, protrude, and retract, and it controls the tongue position, tongue tip and tongue shape.

It is a major key in the beginning stages of digestion while directing the food around the mouth

Just as with any other muscle in the body, when you have a strain or a sprain, other muscles surrounding that area can be affected. If a tongue restriction is present, it’s not just restraining the tongue. It’s restraining every muscle attached to the tongue, and every muscle those muscles are attached to.

Consequently, when the accessory muscles compensate for the lack of proper tongue function, it can cause symptoms that affect your lifestyle, your health, and your oral biome.

Symptoms in children can demonstrate as:

Tied 2 Myo

This program is specifically designed for more comprehensive cases. Clients that require a frenectomy, lip or tongue tie release, will require specific pre and post frenectomy exercises and wound care. Additionally, when restrictions are present it is common for severe muscle compensation to accompany someone with a tethered oral tissue to make up for the lack of proper mobility and function from the tongue.

If there is a tongue tie observed at the initial assessment, you may require a simple procedure called a frenectomy, which will release the restricted frenum. Orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) will help with the pre and post frenectomy procedure to prepare the muscles for the procedure, to train the tongue to develop better oral muscle patterns, and to teach the tongue proper function following the procedure, as it has not been properly used before.

Therapy helps to achieve balance by focusing on the four goals of Myofunctional therapy for improved breathing, eating, swallowing, posture, quality of sleep and overall health.


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Our myofunctional therapy services focus on correcting improper tongue posture, improper breathing, and swallowing patterns to improve overall health and well-being. Whether you struggle with mouth breathing, snoring, or sleep apnea, our team of professionals can help you breathe easier and live better. We help you achieve optimal function and a healthy airway with personalized care and innovative therapy techniques.

Dental hygienists are prevention specialists. Our primary role is to provide preventive and therapeutic clinical care, education, and health promotion to help improve the oral health of our clients. More time is booked to allow proper and thorough care without feeling rushed or part of a production line. We provide flexible hours and the availability to get in sooner for appointments to ensure that clients maintain their ideal interval schedule so that their overall health is not jeopardized.

Our priority is to build rapport with our clients by taking the time to get to know them and listen to their concerns and goals. We genuinely want to elevate our clients to their personal best in aspects of their oral health to achieve optimal health.

Our intention is to alleviate anxiety by providing a comfortable, relaxing setting that brings serenity and calmness to a spa-like experience. We use the newest technology with EMS-guided biofilm therapy, which is minimally invasive, effective, and gentle on the teeth and soft tissues with a heating system with an adjustable water temperature for client comfort.

At your initial appointment, a comprehensive assessment and examination will be performed. This includes reviewing medical and dental history, performing an oral cancer screening, a dry mouth assessment and other risk assessments, a periodontal examination to assess the health of the gums and the bone that supports the teeth, and taking a series of intra-oral photos. Attention will be given to the client's needs, concerns, and goals, which will be considered while designing the treatment plan. Based on the results of this assessment and diagnosis, a client-specific treatment plan will be made with the intention of helping the client achieve a healthy, maintainable oral health status.