OMT & Mouth Breathing
Proper tongue posture supports a healthy airway by promoting nasal breathing. Nasal breathing is important and beneficial for our overall health in several ways. It warms, moistens, and filters the air we breathe and allows for a more restorative, restful sleep.
Nitric oxide is produced in the sinuses and is important for our cardiovascular system. It increases physical endurance and stamina, helps to carry, and provide 18% more oxygen to our brain and muscles, it balances pH in the blood, decreases cortisol levels and increases melatonin. Nasal breathing allows you to breathe through your diaphragm which activates the “rest and digest” response in our bodies. Rest, digest, and repair during sleep is vitally important for our overall health. Kids produce the growth hormone when they are in the deep rem sleep and its essential for proper growth.
Why Do We Mouth Breathe?
- Chronic nasal obstruction/ congestion
- Allergies sensitivities, dark circles under the eyes
- Enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids
- Deviated septum
- Asthma
- Tongue-tie/ low tongue posture
Poor Posture Leads To:
- Headaches/migraines
- Chronic tension and pain in the back, neck, and shoulders
Signs & Symptoms Of Mouth Breathing
- Changes to facial growth and development
- Orthodontic issues/ orthodontic relapse
- Dry mouth and throat
- Dry lips/ continuous need to lick them
- Chronic nose bleeds
- Bad breath, gingivitis, periodontal disease
- Snoring, sleep apnea
- Noisy breathing
- Grinding
- Enlarged tonsils
- Fatigue, poor concentration
- Poor growth in children
Therapy helps to achieve balance by focusing on the four goals of Myofunctional therapy for improved breathing, eating, swallowing, posture, quality of sleep and overall health.
Our priority is to build rapport with our clients by taking the time to get to know them and listen to their concerns and goals. We genuinely want to elevate our clients to their personal best in aspects of their oral health to achieve optimal health.
Our intention is to alleviate anxiety by providing a comfortable, relaxing setting that brings serenity and calmness to a spa-like experience. We use the newest technology with EMS-guided biofilm therapy, which is minimally invasive, effective, and gentle on the teeth and soft tissues with a heating system with an adjustable water temperature for client comfort.